Jakub Rondos
Jakub Rondos
04/04/24 11:16
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 17:15
Location: A.4.1 C-19
Speaker: Jakub Rondos (University of Vienna)
Title: Topological properties of compact spaces K that are preserved by isomorphisms of C(K)"
will be presented by
Abstract: In the talk, we present some newly discovered properties of compact Hausdorff spaces that are preserved by isomorphisms of their Banach spaces of continuous functions.
Location: A.4.1 C-19
Speaker: Jakub Rondos (University of Vienna)
Title: Topological properties of compact spaces K that are preserved by isomorphisms of C(K)"
will be presented by
Abstract: In the talk, we present some newly discovered properties of compact Hausdorff spaces that are preserved by isomorphisms of their Banach spaces of continuous functions.