Adam Bartos

Adam Bartos: Hereditarily indecomposable continua as Fraïssé limits

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 17:00

Location: room 605, Mathematical Institute, University of Wroclaw

Adam Bartos (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Title: Hereditarily indecomposable continua as Fraïssé limits

Abstract: Irwin and Solecki introduced projective Fraïssé theory and showed that the Fraïssé limit of the projective class of finite linear graphs is a pre-space of the pseudo-arc. This allowed to characterize the pseudo-arc as the unique approximatively projectively homogeneous arc-like continuum. We introduce a framework for Fraïssé theory where the pseudo-arc itself is a Fraïssé limit, and apply the framework to obtain similar characterizations for P-adic pseudo-solenoids. This is joint work with Wiesław Kubiś.