Krzysztof Zakrzewski: Function spaces on Corson-like compacta

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 17:15

Location: A.4.1 C-19

Krzysztof Zakrzewski (MIM UW)

Title: Function spaces on Corson-like compacta

Abstract: Recall that a compact space is Eberlein compact if it is homeomorphic to a subspace of some Banach space equipped with the weak topology. A compact space is \(\omega\)-Corson compact if it embeds into a \(\sigma\)-product of real lines, that is a subspace of the product \(R^{\Gamma}\) consisting of sequences with finitely many nonzero coordinates for some set \(\Gamma\).
Every \(\omega\)-Corson compact space is Eberlein compact. For a Tichonoff space \(X\), let \(C_p(X)\) denote the space of real continuous functions on \(X\) endowed with the pointwise convergence topology.
During the talk we will show that the class \(\omega\)-Corson compact spaces \(K\) is invariant under linear homeomorphism of function spaces \(C_p(K)\) and other related results.

Jakub Rondos

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 17:15

Location: A.4.1 C-19

Jakub Rondos (University of Vienna)

Title: Topological properties of compact spaces K that are preserved by isomorphisms of C(K)"
will be presented by

Abstract: In the talk, we present some newly discovered properties of compact Hausdorff spaces that are preserved by isomorphisms of their Banach spaces of continuous functions.

Tomasz Żuchowski: The Nikodym property and filters on \(\omega\). Part I

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 17:15

Location: A.4.1 C-19

Tomasz Żuchowski

Title: The Nikodym property and filters on \(\omega\). Part I

Abstract: For a free filter \(F\) on \(\omega\), we consider the space \(N_F=\omega\cup\{p_F\}\), where every element of \(\omega\) is isolated and open neighborhoods of \(p_F\) are of the form \(A\cup\{p_F\}\) for \(A\in F\).
In this talk we will study the family \(\mathcal{AN}\) of such ideals \(\mathcal{I}\) on \(\omega\) that the space \(N_{\mathcal{I}^*}\) carries a sequence \(\langle\mu_n\colon n\in\omega\rangle\) of finitely supported signed measures satisfying \(\|\mu_n\|\rightarrow\infty\) and \(\mu_n(A)\rightarrow 0\) for every \(A\in Clopen(N_{\mathcal{I}^*})\). If \(\mathcal{I}\in\mathcal{AN}\) and \(N_{\mathcal{I}^*}\) is embeddable into the Stone space \(St(\mathcal{A})\) of a given Boolean algebra \(\mathcal{A}\), then \(\mathcal{A}\) does not have the Nikodym property.

Piotr Szewczak: Perfectly meager sets in the transitive sense and the Hurewicz property

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 17:15

Location: A.4.1 C-19

Piotr Szewczak (UKSW)

Title: Perfectly meager sets in the transitive sense and the Hurewicz property

Abstract: We work in the Cantor space with the usual group operation +. A set X is perfectly meager in the transitive sense if for any perfect set P there is an F-sigma set F containing X such that for every point t the intersection of t+F and P is meager in the relative topology of P. A set X is Hurewicz if for any sequence of increasing open covers of X one can select one set from each cover such that the chosen sets formulate a gamma-cover of X, i.e., an infinite cover such that each point from X belongs to all but finitely many sets from the cover. Nowik proved that each Hurewicz set which cannot be mapped continuously onto the Cantor set is perfectly meager in the transitive sense. We answer a question of Nowik and Tsaban, whether of the same assertion holds for each Hurewicz set with no copy of the Cantor set inside. We solve this problem, under CH, in the negative.
This is a joint work with Tomasz Weiss and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy.
The research was funded by the National Science Centre, Poland and the Austrian Science Found under the Weave-UNISONO call in the Weave programme, project: Set-theoretic aspects of topological selections 2021/03/Y/ST1/00122

Agnieszka Widz: Random graph

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 17:15

Location: A.4.1 C-19

Agnieszka Widz

Title: Random graph

Abstract: The Random Graph can be generated almost surely by connecting vertices with a fixed probability \(p\in(0,1)\), independently of other pairs. In my talk, I will recall the construction and explore interesting properties of the Random Graph, investigating the impact of varying probabilities for each edge. Specifically, I will characterize sequences \((p_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\) for which there exists a bijection \(f\) between pairs of vertices in \(\mathbb{N}\), such that if we connect vertices \(v\) and \(w\) with probability \(p_{f(\{v,w\})}\), the Random Graph emerges almost surely.