Aleksander Cieślak: Strongly meager sets and subsets of the plane

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 17:15

Room: D1-215

Aleksander Cieślak

Title: Strongly meager sets and subsets of the plane

Abstract. We will show some results proved by J. Pawlikowski in "Strongly meager sets and subsets of the plane".

Marcin Michalski: Decomposing the real line into Borel sets closed under addition

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 17:15

Room: D1-215

Marcin Michalski

Title: Decomposing the real line into Borel sets closed under addition

Abstract. We will show some results proved by M. Elekes and T.Keleti in "Decomposing the real line into Borel sets closed under addition".