Maciej Malicki: Infinitary continuous logic and descriptive set theory

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 17:00

Location: if you want to participate please contact organizers

Maciej Malicki (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Title: Infinitary continuous logic and descriptive set theory

Abstract: There are deep connections between model theory of the infinitary logic and descriptive set theory: Scott analysis, the López-Escobar theorem or the Suzuki theorem are well known examples of this phenomenon. In this talk, I will present results of a research devoted to generalizing these connections to the setting of continuous infinitary logic and Polish metric structures. In particular, I will discuss a continuous counterpart of a theorem of Hjorth and Kechris characterizing essential countability of the isomorphism relation on a given Borel class of countable structures. As an application, I will give a short model-theoretic proof of a result of Kechris saying that orbit equivalence relations induced by continuous actions of locally compact Polish groups are essentially countable. This is joint work with Andreas Hallbäck and Todor Tsankov.