Aleksander Cieślak: Cofinalities of tree ideals and the shrinking property II

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 17:00

Location: room 601, Mathematical Institute, University of Wroclaw

Aleksander Cieślak

Title: Cofinalities of tree ideals and the shrinking property II

Abstract: ILast time, given a tree type \(\mathbb{T}\), we investigated a cardinal invariant \(is(\mathbb{T})\) called "Incompatibility Shrinking Number". It was mentioned that the assumption \(is(\mathbb{T})=\mathfrak c \) implies that \( cof(t^0)>\mathfrak c\) and that \(is(\mathbb{T})\) falls in between the additivity and the covering number of the borel part \(t^0_{Bor}\). We will focus on calculating these two for various Borel ideals.