Grzegorz Plebanek: On almost disjoint families with property (R)
07/03/18 21:13
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 17:15
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Grzegorz Plebanek
Title: On almost disjoint families with property (R)
Abstract. We consider (with A.Aviles and W. Marciszewski) almost disjoint families with some combinatorial property that has applications in functional analysis. We are looking for the minimal cardinality of m.a.d. family with property (R). It turns out that this cardinal is not greater than \(non(\mathcal{N})\) the uniformity of null sets.
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Grzegorz Plebanek
Title: On almost disjoint families with property (R)
Abstract. We consider (with A.Aviles and W. Marciszewski) almost disjoint families with some combinatorial property that has applications in functional analysis. We are looking for the minimal cardinality of m.a.d. family with property (R). It turns out that this cardinal is not greater than \(non(\mathcal{N})\) the uniformity of null sets.