Aleksander Cieślak: Ideals of subsets of plane
10/10/17 05:57
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 17:15
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Aleksander Cieślak
Title: Ideals of subsets of plane
Abstract. For given two ideals I and J of subsets of Polish space X we define a Fubini product \(I \times J\) as all these subsets of plane \(X^2\) which can be covered by a Borel set B such that I-almost all its vertical sections are J-small. We will investigate how properties of factors influence properties of product.
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Aleksander Cieślak
Title: Ideals of subsets of plane
Abstract. For given two ideals I and J of subsets of Polish space X we define a Fubini product \(I \times J\) as all these subsets of plane \(X^2\) which can be covered by a Borel set B such that I-almost all its vertical sections are J-small. We will investigate how properties of factors influence properties of product.