Grzegorz Plebanek: About a particular measure on the square
13/12/14 03:14
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 17:15
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Grzegorz Plebanek
Title: About a particular measure on the square
Abstract. Assuming the existence of SierpiĆski set we construct a measure on some \(\sigma\)-field of subsets of the square which is perfect but not compact. This construction in 2001 answered Fremlin's question. We will describe open problems connected to this field.
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Grzegorz Plebanek
Title: About a particular measure on the square
Abstract. Assuming the existence of SierpiĆski set we construct a measure on some \(\sigma\)-field of subsets of the square which is perfect but not compact. This construction in 2001 answered Fremlin's question. We will describe open problems connected to this field.