Filip Strobin: Spaceability of particular family of continuous functions with nowhere continuous inverses
23/04/15 13:53
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 17:15
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Filip Strobin
Title: Spaceability of particular family of continuous functions with nowhere continuous inverses
Abstract. We will show that the family of continuous injections \(T:l_p\to l_p\) (where \(p>0\)) with nowhere continuous inverses (together with zero function) contains isometric copy of \(l_p\). In particular, it means that the set of such functions is spaceable.
Room: D1-215
Speaker: Filip Strobin
Title: Spaceability of particular family of continuous functions with nowhere continuous inverses
Abstract. We will show that the family of continuous injections \(T:l_p\to l_p\) (where \(p>0\)) with nowhere continuous inverses (together with zero function) contains isometric copy of \(l_p\). In particular, it means that the set of such functions is spaceable.