Agnieszka Widz: Almost disjoint magic sets

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 17:00

Location: room 605, Mathematical Institute, University of Wroclaw

Agnieszka Widz

Title: Almost disjoint magic sets

Abstract: Given a family of real functions F we say that a set M is magic for F if for all f, g F we have f [M ] g[M ] f = g. This notion was introduced by Diamond, Pomerance and Rubel in 1981. Recently some results about magic sets were proved by Halbeisen, Lischka and Schumacher. Inspired by their work I constructed two families of magic sets one of them being almost disjoint and the other one being independent. During my talk I will sketch the background and present the proof for the almost disjoint family, which uses a Kurepa tree.